Our services


Copywriting for your website or marketing

You tell us what you want to say and the tone you want to project – be it smart and professional, light and witty, poetic and lyrical, or your own unique style. We then produce the text in well-constructed language with a tone that suits you and your audience. We work with you, making sure you are absolutely happy with the finished text, and we and stick with you along the way as you expand, adapt and update your message.

Copy editing your blog

You’ve written your blog, it’s in your own ‘voice’ and conveys your views and messages. Does it flow? Is it as tight as it could be? Is it grammatically correct with flawless spelling? We will advise you on sentence construction and fluidity as well as catching those sneaky split infinitives, wily apostrophes and persistent quotation marks.


Report and essay checking

We can’t do your work for you (you’re the expert after all) but – like a good friend – we can check it over thoroughly for you before you submit it. We can advise you on structure to make sure that those most important and salient points are front and centre, not to be missed. We will go through it with a fine-toothed comb and ensure that your work is tight, clear, concise, well-constructed, grammatically correct, and hyperbole-free. 

CV writing and editing

It is notoriously difficult to write positive and glowing references for yourself without sounding false, awkward and feeling just a little sheepish. It is also a challenge to get all those sterling qualities of yours across to potential employers without running over into several pages. We have years of experience in this area and can help you edit and hone your CV until it reflects the perfect candidate that you are. 


Flyers, leaflets and promotional materials

With an event to promote, service to advertise or information to share, nothing is worse than getting your materials back from the printer to find that a sly spelling mistake, incorrect price or some fuzzy information has slipped through the net. Not only does it set you back days in your campaign but it can set you back plenty of pounds in re-printing. We can work with you to make sure that all the pertinent details jump out at the reader and stand out from the crowd. We will check that net thoroughly to make sure no mistakes or misinformation can slip through. 


For any enquiries please email